Saturday 16 February 2013

Interview on BBC Radio Leicester

Oh yeah, I had an interview on Weds on BBC Radio Leicester about the LOVE STUFF book.  It was perfect timing, as it was the only day I didn't have little boisterous one in tow and so I was able to go down there without hindrance.
It was short sweet and the book really.

CLICK HERE to listen to it  

You have to forward it to 2:14;31 which is where I come on.

I dutifully left my only copy of the book with the lovely Helen Dixon who was sitting in for Rupal as a thankyou for the interview....all the time thinking, "That's my only copy", BUT it gut felt like the right thing to do so I did.  My gut feeling was proved right on the following morning on Valentines Day itself, which I'll tell you about in the next post.

Kathy x

EBOOK now finished too

The book is now available as an EBOOK to.  I was so determined to finish it last night before I went to bed that I stayed up all night to do it.  You can get it from

I've made it cheaper than the printed copy for obvious printing costs plus the biggie NO DELIVERY COSTS.  So it's much easier.  I had no idea how much work was involved in making it adhere to the ebook criteria and be available in EPUB format.  LOADS of reformatting.  But hours later with a sore back, fried brain and tired eyes.  It was complete.  I was happy.  So I went to bed at 5am...with my 3yr old who decided to get up at 3am to start the day, and was most confused as to why I was up and working.  So he figured it was breakfast time...NOOOOOO! Our day has been all out of kilter since then but hey, it was worth it.  It's finished.  Just gotta promote it now.
Click below to download it and make my efforts worthwhile.  After all I wrote it for you not me :)

Kathy x

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Yaayyy! The Book is Finished

I'm so chuffed.  I've finished my book, and I've loved every minute of it.  It's been one of those projects that has been bugging me for such a long time, that I couldn't NOT do it.

If you want a sneak peak at it then follow the link below, until you see the book title, then click 'preview' underneath it.

CLICK HERE to see the book.

Here's some bonus LOVE STUFF titbits for you that are not in the preview.  Enjoy x

"I loved standing at the bar with you at the first party we went to.  We talked all night, feeling that we were the only couple actually talking to each other".

"I loved how we met up years later when we were 18 and made love for the first time even though we were sweethearts when we were 15 and never did it then.  When you kissed me it was just the same yet your face was more rugged this time."

"I loved that Skype sex session we had, when you were working away.  How awesome was that!  You bring out the naughty in me.  Shame you knocked your laptop off the bed, broke it and had to buy a new one".